Hey look - Drupal!

Hey look, I've got Drupal now.

It's one of the technologies we use at work, that I actually end up supporting (from a sysadmin perspective) for the clients I spend most of my time on. Also, it's "Not Joomla", and "Supports PHP 5.3".

And I'm sure I'll be tinkering for a while; soooo many knobs to tweak.



Documentation. Supposedly the bane of every programmer, system administrator, or techie person who'd rather be Doing It than Writing About It. Those same people are also the first to complain about any lack lustre documentation of technology they're trying to use, once again proving that irony is not dead. Therefore, I'm going to complain some more, because it might make me feel better, and because I think I've got something else to say along the way.

The short version of my argument is this: if it's not documented, it may as well not exist.


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